Miko Ancheta 1 AB Interdisciplinary Studies


1. Describe what you're wearing today?
A: "Hipster-mode" mode... mode...

2. Who's your favorite brand of clothing?
A: 1. Regatta. Heck, but I don't even have boat shoes. 
     2. Springfield! Chill, very....

3. If you were to dress someone from the opposite sex, what would you
make her wear?
A: Bright floral dress.

4. If you were to dress up as an animal to AJMA's Shindig, what would you be?
A: Nacho. A raccoon.

5. If you were to ban a certain type of clothing, what would it be?
A: 1. No rainbow caps/ jejecaps
     2. 'yung Converse shoe crossed with flip flops. 

6. Any advice to our readers/bloggers?
A: Try something new every few months or so - including your hairstyle.
     Try wearing different kinds of glasses even if you're a 20/20.

Lunes, Enero 23, 2012

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