Andy Wong 3 BS Management Engineering
1. What would you call what you’re wearing?
A: Classic wears with a Twist!
2. Who would you say is your biggest fashion idol/icon?
A: Classy Korean actress Yooeun Hye!
3. Tell us something about your outfit?
A: It's stripes. I wear stripes every day! It has to be navy and white stripes!
4. If you had to create one law that would prohibit a certain type of fashion, what would it be?
A: I would most definitely forbid the Jersey shores attire, the “All Bras Out Clothing” and Snooki clothes.
P.S. I love Crocs, don’t forbid them... please? And finally 5” Heels... if they didn’t exist I wouldn’t feel the pressure to wear them!
5. Can you give any of our readers/bloggers any fashion Advice?
A: Don’t leave the house not liking what your wearing 'cause I swear. You won’t smile at all.
Martes, Enero 17, 2012
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